Evening Practice at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension

Evening Practice at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension

Sun, July 16

Sun, July 16, 9:00 am12:00 pm

Sun, July 16, 9:00 am – Sun, July 16, 12:00 pm

Register now

You are invited to join the Still Water community on Sunday morning, July 16, 2017, for a visit to the National Park Service’s Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens. Lotuses and water lilies from around the world will be in bloom. Friends, family, and dogs on leashes are all most welcome to attend.

We’ll walk, look, breathe, eat, and chat together. Please bring a vegetarian picnic brunch item to share.

Our tentative schedule is:

9:00 Gathering and set-up
9:15 Informal tea and introductions
9:45 Brief introduction to walking meditation and mindful flower viewing
9:50 Lotus and water lily contemplation
10:30 Pot-luck vegetarian brunch
12:00 (or so) Goodbyes

Visit the National Park Service’s website to learn more about the history of the garden and to view a map showing the location of the gardens.

We gather at the picnic tables a bit beyond the Visitors' Center.

If you can come, please register and let us know what you will be bringing, who will be with you, and the ages of anyone under 18. 

If you have questions, please please contact our registrar, Gene Klinger: 4genek@gmail.com or (240) 731-3732.


From A Guide to Walking Meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh

Walking meditation is practicing meditation while walking.  It can bring you joy and peace while you practice it.  Take short steps in complete relaxation; go slowly with a smile on your lips, with your heart open to an experience of peace.  You can feel truly at ease with yourself.  Your steps can be those of the healthiest, most secure person on earth.  All sorrows and worries can drop away while you are walking.  To have peace of mind, to attain self-liberation, learn to walk in this way.  It is not difficult.  You can do it.  Anyone can do it who has some degree of mindfulness and a true intention to be happy.

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

1550 Anacostia Ave NE,

Washington, DC 20019


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